In geophysical studies, field work and data processing are carried out in the office, with the aim of detecting variations in the acquisition parameters both vertically and horizontally. It allows the detection of the depth to the basement and its relief, depending on variables such as the length of the line, the energy of the seismic source and ground speeds. These works also allow non-invasive information to be obtained from the subsoil in the form of one-, two-, and three-dimensional models, thus identifying the type of soil, estimating elastic moduli, detecting karstic zones, among others. The field work consists of carrying out seismic geophysical prospecting explorations by seismic refraction methods, MASW, MAM drilling and MASW 2D tests. Electrical geophysical explorations are also carried out using electrical tomography methods and vertical electrical soundings (SEV), in addition to other geophysical tests such as georadar and thermal conductivity.

